It is high time that the building race of civilization be recognized as the world's most irreplaceable and nonrenewable resource. We are concerned about being on the endangered species list but the loss of such a vital resource ought to arouse the concern of everyone whether they are among the endangered or not.
Even those who are motivated by purely selfish aims and have zero loyalty to their own kind ought to see that it is in their own best interest to share such an all important concern. Once the White race is extinct, everything it created will go with it and there is no going back. Those who deny the legacy, intellectual property rights and worldy contributions of the race which made Western Civilization possible do so only at their own peril.
Even if they doubt the overwhelming evidence why would they take such an incredibly reckless risk? Do they not ask themselves "What if I am wrong?" If they are wrong and their posterity find themselves stuck in an endless series of progressively more ignorant and primitive dark ages and Zerzan's utopian vision of "Future Primitive" proves to be a dystopian nightmare as most utopian visions do in actual practice they will have lost everything; everyone will lose, and it will be too late to change their vote.
If we are wrong and what our opposition says is true [that race is nothing but skin color and were all the same and human life and progress is determined by class, wealth, environment, etc] will choosing our proposed solution [separation along racial lines -- NOT genocide which is actually what our opposition promotes] end in nearly so catastrophic long term consequences as their proposed solution would if they are in fact wrong?
No, the worst that would happen [assuming environmental determinism is right and all forms of genetic determinism or heredity wrong] would be that without our help [because we separated from them] the other races and nations would take a little longer to achieve our level of human progress or civilization and would necessarily go through more pain, more trials and tribulations than they would with the help of an already advanced culture and civilization.
Our opposition however, alarmists that they are, scream bloody murder because they refuse to accept that we say what we really mean and mean what we actually say. They insist that when we say racial separatism and self-determination we really mean race-war, hate-crime, mass-murder and genocide. Is this what they mean by establishing a sane and rational public dialog for reconciliation and establishing peace between different creeds, colors, nations, peoples?
If so then they are nothing but liars and hypocrites and anyone who would be party to that do not deserve to enjoy the protections, comforts or advantages of the civilized environment our ancestors created. They deserve to live in a world in which their own views are brought to their ultimate conclusion and they can experience first hand a world ruled not by Whites but rather one ruled by the Hobbesian reality behind Rousseau's "noble savage." They deserve to live where they insist all human life originated, the supposed cradle of human evolution; Africa. An Africa true to their own world view; zero White influence, intervention or presence of any kind. Modern debates would not exist because all of them would be absolutely meaningless in such a world.