Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hush Crime Rally - 2007

(Rally date to be announced by VNN on 4/1/07)

START TODAY! GET THE WORD OUT! “HUSH CRIME RALLY” --- > Knoxville, Tennessee . . . in the planning stages ---- > NOW!!!

This rally began to come to light after the brutal and savage carjacking, kidnapping, rape, sodomy and murder of a young White couple accosted by black savages while on a date. The national jewish owned networks have refused to report on this vicious and sadistic black attack. The victims; “Christopher Newsom” and "Channon Christian” will be honored and remembered in a rally scheduled for late spring/early summer. Please plan to attend.

For more information, see the links below. Also note: VNN, is organizing the rally. Keep up to date by browsing that site. VNN has a forum that you may want to join to voice your opinion. Again, the links are below.

HUSH CRIMES Rally - 2007!

Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom

Special thanks to the Aryan Barbarian of "Expose Them All" blog for all of the above info!

SPECIAL NOTICE: A rally of White people of EVERY background is being planned to take place in Knoxville, TN in late spring/early summer 2007. The theme is "Hush Crimes" - the media refuses to report on crimes against OUR race with the same ferocity as crimes against other races - even though crimes committed against us, is much more prevalent. . . . NOTE: See poster/flyer at bottom of page [see link to the Expose Them All blog site above to see the flyer.]