One issue all White Nationalists seem to agree passionately on is that too many whining minorities want to play the victim and cry for restitution. Contemporary Blacks blame contemporary Whites for the enslavement of pre-Civil War American Negroes by pre-Civil War White Americans.
White Nationalists cite many reasons why this is totally unjust and a preposterous accusation considering the real facts of history before, during and after American slavery.
An interesting fact many contemporary Blacks and Whites have learned is that the African slave trade was actually brought to America's shores by Portuguese Jews. These Jewish merchants and mariners actually owned and commanded the ships which transported the slaves from their slavery in Africa under far less civilized African conquerors to the much milder slavery in America governed to some extent by Old Testament laws which demanded the humane treatment of slaves.
Like most White Nationalists I have often argued that NegroAmerican's demand for reparations are unfair because no one alive today experienced slavery. Neither as a slave nor as a slave owner. And who can tell who's ancestor was a slave and who's was a slave-owner? Or who's ancestors came much later or simply had nothing to do with the whole business?
It is a known fact that not all Blacks were slaves even from the beginning and many earned or were granted their freedom while slavery was still going strong and some American Negroes even owned slaves! It is also a fact that most Whites were too poor to afford any kind of servants or slaves.
Most Whites today descend from European immigrants who came after slavery was already abolished. Many blacks came much later too. There were also White slaves of many kinds. Slavery is too narrowly defined by today's politically correct thought police and ministries of propaganda. Even today many consider the income tax and minimum wage scheme simply another form of slavery called wage slavery. Back then there were much worse forms of slavery for White European immigrants coming to America. I wonder how many Jewish names could be found lurking behind those early White slave rackets?
Perhaps the NegroAmerican ought to be demanding reparations from the Mega-rich Jewish Zionist Plutocracy who owns much of the corrupt world today since it was actually their ancestors who are responsible for bring slavery and the Negroe to America.