A century ago the Arabs were at peace with the West, allies in World War I. Then, in violation of God's Law that Jews must obey Jesus Christ in order to reoccupy His promised land, Zionist leaders set up a Jewish state in Palestine. From that moment, Mideast tensions mounted. Ultimately, after nearly a century of Zionist abuses, the Arab world has been driven to frenzy. This is not only against Israel, but against its arch supporter, Christian America.
Why has Jewish presence in Palestine proven so abrasive to the Arab world? Why do most Evangelicals unblinkingly support Israel's false leaders? These are questions "Zionism and Christianity: UNHOLY ALLIANCE" plumbs as never before.
Note from ANOINTED NATIONALIST editor Paul Kersey: I do not agree with Mr and Mrs. Pike's opinion that modern Jewry are legitimate Israelites who have simply not repented and accepted their long awaited Messiah yet.
That may have been at least partially true for some Judeans in the first century while Jesus still walked among us, in the flesh, but they have long since then become mongrels who cannot enter the Congregation of the Lord, even after ten generations, even forever, so Scripture proclaims in the thunderous Voice from on high. They long ago choose the second death and cannot turn back from their unforgivable blasphemous and abominable words and deeds.
They are beyond redemption and still have the blood of Jesus Christ on their hands as they always and forever will until they go the way of the dinosaur and neanderthal as they should by decree of God's Law and the natural world order as it was in it's completed state or final stage of creation when He stood back from His handiwork and blessed it, declaring it GOOD.