The Russian Karaites
During the 18th century, Russian Karaites spread many myths externally which freed them from various anti-Semitic laws that affected other Jews. Avraham Firkovich helped establish these ideas by forging tombstones in Crimea which bear inscriptions stating that those buried were descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel. Other deflections included claiming to be among those Jews with a Khazar origin, or claiming that Karaites were otherwise not strictly Jewish descended. These actions were intended to convince the Russian Czar that Karaite ancestors could not have killed Jesus; that thus their descendants were free of familial guilt (which was an underlying reason or pretext given at that time for anti-Semitic laws). Because of the above, and/or a rulings by Rabbinic Jewry intended to save the Karaites, the Nazis of World War II generally left the Karaites alone during the Holocaust.
How interesting that National Socialist Germany would have left these Jews alone. If Hitler was so evil and so intent on exterminating Jews in the alleged "Holocaust" why would he have cared what particular sect Jews belonged to? Could it be because Karaite Jews did not join the rabbinal and Zionist Jews of the world in their declaration of war on Germany long before Germany or any of the Allied nations had any notions of starting another World War? Could it be because the Karaite Jews rejected the insane and abominable anti-Christ hate literature in the Talmud and the plans for world domination via a one world government run by Jews found prophecied in the Talmud and the Jewish Cabala?
Of course, one wonders what the Karaites were doing in Europe in the first place along with their rabbinal cousins. Afterall, both came from Babylon. Perhaps the Karaites were the earliest attempt on the part of Babylonian Jews to set up their own anti-Zionist opposition in order to smooth the way for their closely related kin to follow their lead in infiltrating Western Christiandom.