In an earlier post I had mentioned the La Raza and Zionist movements in a brief and incomplete list of examples of racial nationalism. As an after thought I think I should point out that really ethnocentrism would probably be a more appropriate term in their cases as they do not technically have a true homeland of their own, nor any legitimate claims to nationhood based on racial origins, in spite of their dubious claims to the contrary.
I do see an important difference between their brand of ethnocentrism and my own. For one thing, Zionists do not want anyone practicing ethnocentrism but Jews. They are hypocrites. They are also supremacists who hate all other races, especially White Christians and will not rest until they own and control the world and everyone is mongrelized and enslaved under world government, universal religion, global culture, and a world bank and media monopoly all centered in Zionist Israel.
The Mestizo invaders are really just tools of the Zionists just as the Negro always has been in America. The zionist bankers have squeezed the economies of these people's nation to reduce them to such poverty and revolutionary chaos that it was enevitable that they would begin a mass exodus north to the land of plenty, the land of the free, the land of opportunity. It would be hard to blame them for wanting out.
But I have my own country and people to worry about and the Jews are doing the same thing to us. They need to stay in their own country and fight the Jew to get their country back instead of coming into our nation and trying to fight us to lay claim to the civilization our ancestors built and the land our ancestors fought for and won. Our conquest of this land was perfectly understood and accepted according to the ancient Indian code of the Warrior and tribal custom regarding war and conquest. Recent evidence also shows that our race once dominated this land in the remote past, during the Ice Age, long before any asiatic peoples crossed the bering streight land bridge!
As long as Mestizos and Ashkenazic/Khazar/Turkish/Edomite/Babylonian/Middle-Eastern Jews are given mention we might as well acknowledge several other ethnocentric but mongrel nation-states like India [which with the help of Ghandi's movement gained it's independence and decolonization from Britain], and then there are the island colonies as well. India was once an Aryan nation many thousands of years ago but has long since mongrelized. It once had a caste system that worked the same as segregation once did in America but it eventually broke down and today we see the result.
Africa has also been becoming more and more racially nationalist in its outlook over the years [especially since Haile Selassie of Ethiopia 1930-1974]. China too, in spite of its Communist philosophy, has demonstrated extreme ethnocentrist or racial nationalist tendencies. The North American Indians and other nearly extinct paleolithic tribes in more remote places [Australian Aborigines for example] have also demonstrated such tendencies.
Now, just because I lump all these various peoples together under the label of racial nationalist or ethnocentrist does not mean they are all equal in terms of philosophy and world view or in terms of an understanding of the essentially good and natural fundamentals of a Racial Nationalist life philosophy or world view.
I think it is only with the rise of White Nationalism that this world view has become distilled into its purest essence. Before this point it has been an unconscious reality for most people the world over since the beginning of time and had only become vaguely understood and defined by less developed or civilized cultures who had neither the language nor accumulated knowledge gained from a history of rapid philosophical and scientific development necessary to bring these unconsciously followed imperatives and concepts out of the dark unconscious world of instincts.
Only the development of Western classical education [the combined works of all the greatest minds the Western world and White race has produced throughout it's history] has made it possible to bring certain inherent racial instincts and principles for racial preservation - that had been only blindly and clumsily followed before - into the conscious mind where it could be scrutinized and exposed in the clarifying light of day and thereby studied so that understanding it better we can follow it better.
There is always a more refined, civilized, graceful, efficient way to accomplish the same ends or purposes nature only crudely and clumsily achieves in a brutish, ignorant, primitive, ham-fisted way through instinct and vague thoughts and feelings that arise from the primitive unconscious mind [monsters from the Id! Oh my!]. It is our responsibility as thinking creatures to increase our understanding in this direction and attempt to achieve the same ends as nature intended but in a more civilized, refined, efficient and graceful fashion.