Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Here is an astounding revelation I just discovered but that has been known about by some authors atleast since the 1970's! Apparently militant Judean Zealots who fled south after the destruction of Jerusalem formed a new community in arab country [the area now known as Saudi Arabia and referred to in Biblical legend/lore as Sheba]. This religiously militant and radical group eventually formed a new sect of Messianic Judaism which became Islam when their prophet Mohammad declared himself the promised great militant leader of God's army. [notice that one reason posed for the 1st century Judean's rejection of Christ was that He was not a military leader or conqueror]

According to one source:

The militant Jews headed south to Jordan and Southern Arabia, eventually founding the Jewish State of Himyar (the Biblical Sheba) in what is now Saudi Arabia and Yemen, still retaining the name "Iudean" or what has come down to us as "Jews". They practiced a modified form of nationalistic Judaism that was eventually transformed into Islam by the Prophet Mohammed. The Rabbinic Jews moved first east, then north and eventually to Babylon. ~ Joseph E. Katz
Middle Eastern Political and Religious History Analyst
Brooklyn, New York

And another:

Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World, 1977, is a controversial book on the early history of Islam authored by historians Patricia Crone and Michael Cook.

In Hagarism the authors make an examination of the archeological, Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin and Syriac records of the early 7th century and present their conclusions drawn from corresponding primary sources to present an account of early Islam at odds with the traditionally accepted version derived from Muslim historical accounts.

According to the authors, the historical documents presented in the book suggest that the Arab conquests and the formation of the caliphate was a peninsular Arab movement inspired by Jewish messianism, who in alliance with Jews attempted to reclaim the Promised Land from the Byzantines.

The authors present documentation to support their thesis that the Qur'an was the product of 8th century edits of various material taken from a multitude of Judeo-Christian and Middle-Eastern sources, and that Muhammad was the herald of Umar "the redeemer"; a Judeaic messiah.

I should point out the fact that the use of the term "Judeo-Christian" in that review is misleading as is it a modern term for a modern pseudo- or neo- xian cult that did not exist before the advent of Christian-Zionism which has largely grown up on American soil following the work of Cyrus Scofield who's 'reference bible' project was funded by the wealthy New York Jew Untermyer. The earliest Christians were not Jews as is popularly believed today but were primarily 'Gentiles' which just means nations which referred to all other White Adamic nations other than the corrupt Judea which had become the whore of Babylon.

In the first century Jesus and His disciples were Greek speaking Galileans although Jesus Himself had a royal family lineage traceable back to David. The Judeans of Jesus's time no longer bore any resemblence to Jesus's royal ancestral stock who once inhabited the land. Jesus's parents or ancestors apparently fled the corruption and mongrelization of the southern and northern kingdoms of Israel in a White flight north into Galilee some time before Jesus was born. Had they remained in the land that became known as Judea Jesus would have been murdered shortly after His birth by the Edomite or Idumean Herod.