Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Our momentary situation takes the form of a great battle — a battle which may take more than one war to resolve it, or which may be resolved by a sudden cataclysmic happening, entirely unforeseeable to us now.

The conflict is far-reaching; it affects every sphere of Life. Two ideas are opposed — not concepts or abstractions, but Ideas which were in the blood of men before they were formulated by the minds of men.

The Resurgence of Authority stands opposed to the Rule of Money;

Order to Social Chaos, Hierarchy to Equality, socio-economico-political Stability to constant Flux;

glad assumption of Duties to whining for Rights;

Socialism to Capitalism, ethically, economically, politically; the Rebirth of Religion to Materialism;

Fertility to Sterility; the spirit of Heroism to the spirit of Trade;

the principle of Responsibility to Parliamentarism; the idea of Polarity of Man and Woman to Feminism;

the idea of the individual task to the ideal of "happiness";

Discipline to Propaganda-compulsion;

the higher unities of family, society, State to social atomism;

Marriage to the Communistic ideal of free love;

economic self-sufficiency to senseless trade as an end in itself;

the inner imperative to Rationalism.

But the greatest opposition of all has not yet been named, the conflict which will take up all the others into itself. This is the battle of the Idea of the Unity of the West against the nationalism of the 19th century. Here stand opposed the ideas of Empire and petty-stateism, large-space thinking and political provincialism. Here find themselves opposed the miserable collection of yesterday-patriots and the custodians of the Future. The yesterday-nationalists are nothing but the puppets of the extra-European forces who conquer Europe by dividing it.

IMPERIUM, by Francis Parker Yockey
aka "Ulick Varange"

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"Marchin Lootin Killin Day"

Ed Steele ponders the most sacred of the multi-CULT's cows: Martin Luther King day.
His razor sharp sarcastic wit is showing no signs of dulling after all these years. I love this guy! I highly recommend subscribing to his Nickel Rant. And his book Defensive Racism is only 5 sheets of ZOG toilet paper [Federal Reserve Notes]. Oy Vey! Such a deal!


Here is an astounding revelation I just discovered but that has been known about by some authors atleast since the 1970's! Apparently militant Judean Zealots who fled south after the destruction of Jerusalem formed a new community in arab country [the area now known as Saudi Arabia and referred to in Biblical legend/lore as Sheba]. This religiously militant and radical group eventually formed a new sect of Messianic Judaism which became Islam when their prophet Mohammad declared himself the promised great militant leader of God's army. [notice that one reason posed for the 1st century Judean's rejection of Christ was that He was not a military leader or conqueror]

According to one source:

The militant Jews headed south to Jordan and Southern Arabia, eventually founding the Jewish State of Himyar (the Biblical Sheba) in what is now Saudi Arabia and Yemen, still retaining the name "Iudean" or what has come down to us as "Jews". They practiced a modified form of nationalistic Judaism that was eventually transformed into Islam by the Prophet Mohammed. The Rabbinic Jews moved first east, then north and eventually to Babylon. ~ Joseph E. Katz
Middle Eastern Political and Religious History Analyst
Brooklyn, New York

And another:

Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World, 1977, is a controversial book on the early history of Islam authored by historians Patricia Crone and Michael Cook.

In Hagarism the authors make an examination of the archeological, Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin and Syriac records of the early 7th century and present their conclusions drawn from corresponding primary sources to present an account of early Islam at odds with the traditionally accepted version derived from Muslim historical accounts.

According to the authors, the historical documents presented in the book suggest that the Arab conquests and the formation of the caliphate was a peninsular Arab movement inspired by Jewish messianism, who in alliance with Jews attempted to reclaim the Promised Land from the Byzantines.

The authors present documentation to support their thesis that the Qur'an was the product of 8th century edits of various material taken from a multitude of Judeo-Christian and Middle-Eastern sources, and that Muhammad was the herald of Umar "the redeemer"; a Judeaic messiah.

I should point out the fact that the use of the term "Judeo-Christian" in that review is misleading as is it a modern term for a modern pseudo- or neo- xian cult that did not exist before the advent of Christian-Zionism which has largely grown up on American soil following the work of Cyrus Scofield who's 'reference bible' project was funded by the wealthy New York Jew Untermyer. The earliest Christians were not Jews as is popularly believed today but were primarily 'Gentiles' which just means nations which referred to all other White Adamic nations other than the corrupt Judea which had become the whore of Babylon.

In the first century Jesus and His disciples were Greek speaking Galileans although Jesus Himself had a royal family lineage traceable back to David. The Judeans of Jesus's time no longer bore any resemblence to Jesus's royal ancestral stock who once inhabited the land. Jesus's parents or ancestors apparently fled the corruption and mongrelization of the southern and northern kingdoms of Israel in a White flight north into Galilee some time before Jesus was born. Had they remained in the land that became known as Judea Jesus would have been murdered shortly after His birth by the Edomite or Idumean Herod.

Playing the Devil's Advocate

So playing the “Devil’s Advocate” as I often do to test out my thinking. I ask myself. If I truly believe we cannot blame contemporary Whites for the institution of slavery from centuries ago how can I justify my belief that contemporary Jews deserve to be blamed for the framing, false accusation and delivering up to Roman authority for execution the Son of God, Jesus Christ? That’s really not as difficult to answer as it may sound.

1. I believe that Jesus Christ was GOD. That means Jews mistreated and conspired to eliminate God Himself! My White ancestors are accused of mistreating and in some cases lynching Negroes.

First of all what is that compared to the Jew’s crime and second of all most of the propaganda about the mistreatment and lynching of slaves are pure lies. Slaves were treated pretty damn good even by today’s standards by many if not most slave owners.

Just because they worked hard and today’s lazy good for nothing generation hates hard work they are inclined to perceive hard work as a form of punishment. And slaveowners depended on the health and long life of their slaves. Why would they want to abuse or lynch them?!

The lynchings happened when Jewish and mongrel scallywags and carpetbaggers imposed their so-called “Reconstruction” on Southern States weakened and ruined from a fratricidal war that only served to fatten the wallets of Jewish Bankers. Think of the Old West. What would you do if a bunch of outlaws road into your town and began raping your daughters and wives, destroying property and making a complete mockery of your whole way of life?

2. My White American ancestors actually FREED the slaves. Whites realized that the slavery the Jewish slave merchants brought to our shores was an unnecessary relic from the ancient world and was contrary to their ideas about freedom and self-determination. They want to repatriate all Negroes back to Africa to give them and America a fresh start as self-governing free peoples.

Did Jews ever stop and consider what they were doing when they were chasing Jesus around the mid-East seeking to stone Him for Talmudically incorrect speech? Did they stop what they were doing before their efforts ultimately led to the innocent Jesus’s cruel torture and execution? Hell no!

They even declared to the Roman Authorities who told them they could not lawfully condemn this innocent man that the Romans could go ahead with the torture and execution of Jesus with a clear conscience because the blood of Jesus Christ would be on their hands and on the hands of their posterity...

"Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children. "
~ Matthew 27:25 (King James Version)

– and this because though Roman law found Jesus innocent Jewish Talmudic or rabbinical law declared Jesus guilty of the gravest of crimes which called for the maximum penalty, torture, death, and eternal damnation. To this day Jews hold sacred the doctrines of the Talmud. In Gittin 57a, the Talmud states: "Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in hot semen. Christians are boiled in excrement." [Excrement means SHIT by the way!]

They chose to bring this curse down upon not only their generation but all those who came after them. Do you think God would forget something like that? Jesus was His Son after all. In fact, Jesus WAS God! And I don’t see Jews showing any sign of repentance for this act. I believe they are proud of it as is indicated in their sacred literature the Talmud. And as Ted Pike has clearly proven in the videos I have posted here, Jews have been waging a war against Western Christianity [the White Nations – i.e. Gentiles] ever since.

Black Reparations & The Blame Game

One issue all White Nationalists seem to agree passionately on is that too many whining minorities want to play the victim and cry for restitution. Contemporary Blacks blame contemporary Whites for the enslavement of pre-Civil War American Negroes by pre-Civil War White Americans.

White Nationalists cite many reasons why this is totally unjust and a preposterous accusation considering the real facts of history before, during and after American slavery.

An interesting fact many contemporary Blacks and Whites have learned is that the African slave trade was actually brought to America's shores by Portuguese Jews. These Jewish merchants and mariners actually owned and commanded the ships which transported the slaves from their slavery in Africa under far less civilized African conquerors to the much milder slavery in America governed to some extent by Old Testament laws which demanded the humane treatment of slaves.

Like most White Nationalists I have often argued that NegroAmerican's demand for reparations are unfair because no one alive today experienced slavery. Neither as a slave nor as a slave owner. And who can tell who's ancestor was a slave and who's was a slave-owner? Or who's ancestors came much later or simply had nothing to do with the whole business?

It is a known fact that not all Blacks were slaves even from the beginning and many earned or were granted their freedom while slavery was still going strong and some American Negroes even owned slaves! It is also a fact that most Whites were too poor to afford any kind of servants or slaves.

Most Whites today descend from European immigrants who came after slavery was already abolished. Many blacks came much later too. There were also White slaves of many kinds. Slavery is too narrowly defined by today's politically correct thought police and ministries of propaganda. Even today many consider the income tax and minimum wage scheme simply another form of slavery called wage slavery. Back then there were much worse forms of slavery for White European immigrants coming to America. I wonder how many Jewish names could be found lurking behind those early White slave rackets?

Perhaps the NegroAmerican ought to be demanding reparations from the Mega-rich Jewish Zionist Plutocracy who owns much of the corrupt world today since it was actually their ancestors who are responsible for bring slavery and the Negroe to America.

Lost 10 Tribes of Israel: The False Evidence

Many Christian Identity preachers cite the existence of alleged royal Israelite graves in the steppes of Russia as evidence that the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel have been found and that they suggest an Israelite origin for Europeans. This evidence has been proven false. The graves were fabricated by a sect of Jews called Karaites. The Karaites originated in Babylon [which became Persia/Iran] as sect which rejected the addition of the Talmud to Judaism and since that time have maintained separation from rabbinical Judaism and it's oral Cabala/Talmud traditions.

The Russian Karaites

During the 18th century, Russian Karaites spread many myths externally which freed them from various anti-Semitic laws that affected other Jews. Avraham Firkovich helped establish these ideas by forging tombstones in Crimea which bear inscriptions stating that those buried were descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel. Other deflections included claiming to be among those Jews with a Khazar origin, or claiming that Karaites were otherwise not strictly Jewish descended. These actions were intended to convince the Russian Czar that Karaite ancestors could not have killed Jesus; that thus their descendants were free of familial guilt (which was an underlying reason or pretext given at that time for anti-Semitic laws). Because of the above, and/or a rulings by Rabbinic Jewry intended to save the Karaites, the Nazis of World War II generally left the Karaites alone during the Holocaust.

How interesting that National Socialist Germany would have left these Jews alone. If Hitler was so evil and so intent on exterminating Jews in the alleged "Holocaust" why would he have cared what particular sect Jews belonged to? Could it be because Karaite Jews did not join the rabbinal and Zionist Jews of the world in their declaration of war on Germany long before Germany or any of the Allied nations had any notions of starting another World War? Could it be because the Karaite Jews rejected the insane and abominable anti-Christ hate literature in the Talmud and the plans for world domination via a one world government run by Jews found prophecied in the Talmud and the Jewish Cabala?

Of course, one wonders what the Karaites were doing in Europe in the first place along with their rabbinal cousins. Afterall, both came from Babylon. Perhaps the Karaites were the earliest attempt on the part of Babylonian Jews to set up their own anti-Zionist opposition in order to smooth the way for their closely related kin to follow their lead in infiltrating Western Christiandom.

Monday, January 15, 2007


A message from the National Prayer Network


By Rev. Ted Pike

It’s NOT to bring democracy to the Arabs.

It’s to make the Mid-East safe for Israel.

So that Israel can further inflame the Arabs by:

1. Confiscating Arab land through theft and illegal settlements.
2. Keeping imprisoned 9,000 Palestinians without trial.
3. Depriving Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank of human rights, water rights, economic opportunity, basic services, etc.

To protect Israel:

* More than 2,600 Americans have died in Afghanistan and Iraq.
* At least a trillion dollars is being spent- money which could have gone to build a safer, stronger America.

George Washington warned American to, “Beware of foreign entanglements.” It’s time to disentangle America from serving Zionist ambitions in the Mid-East.

It’s time to bring the troops home!

National Prayer Network, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015


Please note that while I highly respect Mr. Pike's excellent research and brave and tireless efforts to spread the truth about Zionism and the Talmud I believe Mr. Pike's opinions regarding Eschatology are completely false and are themselves of Jewish origin or influence. They are proven false from both Pretersist and Post-millenialist points of view but especially from a Christian Separatist point of view which is the view represented by this Blog. For more info check out the many free online books and briefs at CHRISTIAN SEPARATIST DOT ORG. Especially check out the complete exegesis and commentary of Revelations The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ by Pastor V.S. Herrell (this one isn't free but is inexpensive and priceless!).

Thursday, January 11, 2007


After some frustrating experimentation it appears that BlogSpot is itself censoring any videos I embed in my Blogs which it deems as material not approved by the Zionist Shadow Government. I have went to youtube and found that these videos I have posted are still there they just do not show up here. I will be looking for a new Blog host.

Censorship Watch - Google

If you thought Google was a 100% dependable search tool for the World Wide Web, think again. It is actively involved in censoring certain results from its searches. Although Google spiders or web-bots know a site exists that may very well be just what you are looking for or have the info you need Google may try to prevent you from seeing links to these sites if they are on the Google list of banned sites. People who use already restrictive ISPs like AOL are not likely to ever see these sites in most searches they do using Google.

I have done some experimenting and found that whatever the method is for eliminating taboo links from their search results it is fortunately not full proof. If you are persistant and know enough about what you are looking for to really narrow your search criteria down you can still get the censored results. But for the majority of researchers and casual web readers out there these results would probably hardly ever come up in their searches.

For an example. I frequently want to find information provided by the Christian Separatist Church Society which is blacklisted by Google. In order to search for results I have to go into advanced search settings and explicitly designate the URL as the target of my search. This works but it excludes all other results which I might like to see. So it is a definate inconvenience as I have to do multiple searches if I want a complete and unbiased list of results. Now that I know of this list of Google's banned sites I can include some more of them into my searches.

Specific Sites Excluded from and/or

Sunday, January 7, 2007


Apparently this short little flash animation depicting the power of world wide Zionism to ban from public view any speech they do not like has been banned from youtube! I'll leave the embedding code here just in case it comes back. But I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. Fortunately I already saved the Flash to my HD and backed it up to CD as I do anything I think "Big Brother" might try to censor. So if you want to see it just ask.


Saturday, January 6, 2007

In an earlier post I had mentioned the La Raza and Zionist movements in a brief and incomplete list of examples of racial nationalism. As an after thought I think I should point out that really ethnocentrism would probably be a more appropriate term in their cases as they do not technically have a true homeland of their own, nor any legitimate claims to nationhood based on racial origins, in spite of their dubious claims to the contrary.

I do see an important difference between their brand of ethnocentrism and my own. For one thing, Zionists do not want anyone practicing ethnocentrism but Jews. They are hypocrites. They are also supremacists who hate all other races, especially White Christians and will not rest until they own and control the world and everyone is mongrelized and enslaved under world government, universal religion, global culture, and a world bank and media monopoly all centered in Zionist Israel.

The Mestizo invaders are really just tools of the Zionists just as the Negro always has been in America. The zionist bankers have squeezed the economies of these people's nation to reduce them to such poverty and revolutionary chaos that it was enevitable that they would begin a mass exodus north to the land of plenty, the land of the free, the land of opportunity. It would be hard to blame them for wanting out.

But I have my own country and people to worry about and the Jews are doing the same thing to us. They need to stay in their own country and fight the Jew to get their country back instead of coming into our nation and trying to fight us to lay claim to the civilization our ancestors built and the land our ancestors fought for and won. Our conquest of this land was perfectly understood and accepted according to the ancient Indian code of the Warrior and tribal custom regarding war and conquest. Recent evidence also shows that our race once dominated this land in the remote past, during the Ice Age, long before any asiatic peoples crossed the bering streight land bridge!

As long as Mestizos and Ashkenazic/Khazar/Turkish/Edomite/Babylonian/Middle-Eastern Jews are given mention we might as well acknowledge several other ethnocentric but mongrel nation-states like India [which with the help of Ghandi's movement gained it's independence and decolonization from Britain], and then there are the island colonies as well. India was once an Aryan nation many thousands of years ago but has long since mongrelized. It once had a caste system that worked the same as segregation once did in America but it eventually broke down and today we see the result.

Africa has also been becoming more and more racially nationalist in its outlook over the years [especially since Haile Selassie of Ethiopia 1930-1974]. China too, in spite of its Communist philosophy, has demonstrated extreme ethnocentrist or racial nationalist tendencies. The North American Indians and other nearly extinct paleolithic tribes in more remote places [Australian Aborigines for example] have also demonstrated such tendencies.

Now, just because I lump all these various peoples together under the label of racial nationalist or ethnocentrist does not mean they are all equal in terms of philosophy and world view or in terms of an understanding of the essentially good and natural fundamentals of a Racial Nationalist life philosophy or world view.

I think it is only with the rise of White Nationalism that this world view has become distilled into its purest essence. Before this point it has been an unconscious reality for most people the world over since the beginning of time and had only become vaguely understood and defined by less developed or civilized cultures who had neither the language nor accumulated knowledge gained from a history of rapid philosophical and scientific development necessary to bring these unconsciously followed imperatives and concepts out of the dark unconscious world of instincts.

Only the development of Western classical education [the combined works of all the greatest minds the Western world and White race has produced throughout it's history] has made it possible to bring certain inherent racial instincts and principles for racial preservation - that had been only blindly and clumsily followed before - into the conscious mind where it could be scrutinized and exposed in the clarifying light of day and thereby studied so that understanding it better we can follow it better.

There is always a more refined, civilized, graceful, efficient way to accomplish the same ends or purposes nature only crudely and clumsily achieves in a brutish, ignorant, primitive, ham-fisted way through instinct and vague thoughts and feelings that arise from the primitive unconscious mind [monsters from the Id! Oh my!]. It is our responsibility as thinking creatures to increase our understanding in this direction and attempt to achieve the same ends as nature intended but in a more civilized, refined, efficient and graceful fashion.

Ted Pike - Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance

link: Zionism & Christianity: Unholy Alliance
A century ago the Arabs were at peace with the West, allies in World War I. Then, in violation of God's Law that Jews must obey Jesus Christ in order to reoccupy His promised land, Zionist leaders set up a Jewish state in Palestine. From that moment, Mideast tensions mounted. Ultimately, after nearly a century of Zionist abuses, the Arab world has been driven to frenzy. This is not only against Israel, but against its arch supporter, Christian America.

Why has Jewish presence in Palestine proven so abrasive to the Arab world? Why do most Evangelicals unblinkingly support Israel's false leaders? These are questions "Zionism and Christianity: UNHOLY ALLIANCE" plumbs as never before.

Note from ANOINTED NATIONALIST editor Paul Kersey: I do not agree with Mr and Mrs. Pike's opinion that modern Jewry are legitimate Israelites who have simply not repented and accepted their long awaited Messiah yet.

That may have been at least partially true for some Judeans in the first century while Jesus still walked among us, in the flesh, but they have long since then become mongrels who cannot enter the Congregation of the Lord, even after ten generations, even forever, so Scripture proclaims in the thunderous Voice from on high. They long ago choose the second death and cannot turn back from their unforgivable blasphemous and abominable words and deeds.

They are beyond redemption and still have the blood of Jesus Christ on their hands as they always and forever will until they go the way of the dinosaur and neanderthal as they should by decree of God's Law and the natural world order as it was in it's completed state or final stage of creation when He stood back from His handiwork and blessed it, declaring it GOOD.

HATE LAWS: The ADL Tool To Silence Politically Incorrect Thought & Speech

"Anti-hate," hate crimes legislation now before Congress is touted as a sincere attempt to end violent crimes of prejudice. Yet nearly all identical laws in Canada and some European countries have led to a virtual ban of public discussion on certain "taboo" topics. Also, public criticism of some "identifiable groups" can be a crime, subject to large fines and years of imprisonment.

In this unprecedented expose, author and filmmaker Ted Pike rips the cover off this little-known conspiracy against freedom by the B'Nai B'Rith and its "Anti-Defamation League." Now is the time to protest to your elected representatives in Congress - before it is too late.

Friday, January 5, 2007

White Nationalism - The fastest growing worldview in the Western World!


Objective Truth is Good - Subjective PC Relativity is BAD!

You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.

Cultural Creative
















What is Your World View?
created with

What about Racial Nationalist? There are White Nationalists, Black Nationalists, Mexican Nationalists, Japanese Nationalists, and of course Jewish Nationalists [i.e.Zionists].

In every case the Racial Nationalist\'s whole view and whatever philosophy, religion or political persuasian he or she subscribes to is determined from the perspective of Racial Nationalism. They are a breed apart from all the above groups although they may lean in favor of one or more of them more so than others.